Pumpkin Stack Table Napkin & Table Ring

  • By Jennifer Awrey


Supplies needed:
  • (3) Spools of serger thread to match Linen
  • Embroidery threads for pumpkins


  1. Embroidery pumpkin designs on felt
  2. Cut out around pumpkins about 1/8”
  1. Use Three thread rolled edge of serger to serge around linen fabric
  2. Use Three thread rolled edge and stitch across long edges of 1 ½”x 5 ½” strips
  3. Use a straight stitch with an open toe foot to stitch pumpkins onto rectangular piece of fabric down the middle of the pumpkin in the middle (use stitch line already there and use same color thread)
  4. Take Long strips to Epic Quilt 97 and use a Floating stitch to sew ends together (right sides together) to get a circle
  5. Turn right side out

You can now put napkin inside the napkin ring!