Easy Covered-Zipper Technique for Pillows

  • By Alix Graham-Michel

Pillow Zipper.jpg

Easy Covered-Zipper Technique for Pillows

Say goodbye to the hassle of inserting zippers with this simple covered-zipper method. The best part? You can use any zipper color since it will be hidden in the finished pillow!

What You'll Need:

  • Pillow Backing Fabric: Match the width of your pillow front and add 2 inches to the length.
  • Zipper: Ensure it’s at least as long as the pillow's width; a slightly longer zipper makes trimming easier.
  • Matching Sewing Thread
  • Sewing Machine with a Zipper Foot


  1. Measure Your Pillow Front: Note the width and length.
  2. Prepare Your Machine: Thread both the needle and bobbin with matching sewing thread.
  3. Press the Flap Fabric: Fold the flap piece in half lengthwise with the wrong sides together, then press.
  4. Set Up Your Machine: Attach the zipper foot to the machine on the LEFT side.

Cutting the Fabric:

  • Pillow Backing: Cut one piece of fabric matching the width of your pillow front and add 2 inches to the length (e.g., for a 16-inch square pillow, cut the fabric to 16 x 18 inches).
  • Flap Fabric: Cut another piece 4 inches wide and the same width as the pillow front (you can adjust the width for a different look).

Sewing the Zipper:

  1. Position the Fabric: Lay the backing fabric right side up. Place the folded flap piece on top, aligning the cut edges. Lay the zipper on top of the flap fabric, right side down, with the zipper tape aligned with the fabric edge.
  2. Stitch the Zipper: Sew along the zipper tape, adjusting the zipper pull as needed.
  3. Align the Backing Fabric: Fold the unsewn end of the backing fabric to line up with the unsewn edge of the zipper.
  4. Sew the Other Side: Stitch down the second side of the zipper tape, moving the zipper pull as needed.
  5. Open the Back: Cut along the fold to open up the back.
  6. Finish the Zipper Cover: Lay the fabric flat and fold the flap down to cover the zipper.
  7. Final Trimming: Trim the pillow back if necessary to match the size of the pillow front. Then, assemble your pillow.

Customization Options:

  • Decorative Trim: Replace the folded fabric with decorative trim for added flair.
  • Layered Look: Add a second, larger piece of folded fabric for a layered effect.